Botany in new jersey
- Plant Families in New Jersey
- Checklist of New Jersey Plants
- Physiographic Provinces of New Jersey and Major Terrestrial Ecological Communities associated with them
- Wetlands plant communities in southern New Jersey
- Some southern New Jersey botanical sites
- Witmer Stone's Plants of Southern New Jersey- 1910, an online digital book, and downloadable pdf
- New! Plant List, Maurice River Trail, Millville NJ. Compiled by Philadelphia Botanic Club and Torrey Botanical Society
Aquatic Plants in New Jersey
- Invasive Aquatic Weeds
- Native Pond Species of southern New Jersey
- Outdoor Pond Plants of southern New Jersey
NJ DEP and Natural Heritage Database Resources
- NJ DEP's List of NJ Endangered Plant Species and Species of Concern
- NJ Natural Heritage status codes and rankings nomenclature
- Rare Species by County
- NJ Natural Heritage Rare Species Reporting Form
- NJ DEP's Community Classifications