Mikania scandens
climbing hempvine

Mikania scandens
Mikania scandens
Photo courtesy Renee Brecht
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Mikania scandens
Common name: climbing hempvine
Group: dicot
Family: Asteraceae
Growth type: vine; forb/herb
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: climbs up to 16'
Foliage: leaves triangular, 1-5-1/2", slightly toothed, base notched
Flower: heads in branching clusters, white to pink1/4"
Flowering time: early August to late September
Habitat: wet thickets, swamps
Range in New Jersey: frequent in sandy swamps of the Middle, Coast and Cape May districts and at Swartswood Lake, Sussex County, and on the Ramapo River, Bergen Co. Absent from the Pine Barrens, except as a coast intrusion along the large streams (Stone, 739).
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc. According to Stone, 1910, "This is our only trailing composite and is found climbing over low shrubs, its stems twisting tightly around the twigs and branches. The foliage reminds one somewhat of the bind-weeds (Polygonum)" (739).