Commelina communis  
Asiatic dayflower

Commelina communis
Commelina communis
Photo courtesy Renee Brecht
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Commelina communis  
Common name: Asiatic dayflower
Group: monocot
Family: Commelinaceae
Growth type: forb/herb
Duration: annual
Origin: introduced (invasive in some areas)
Plant height: 6 - 12", stems can grow to 32"
Foliage: leaves narrowly oval, 2 - 4-3/4"
Flower: bright blue solitary flowers, 1/2" wide, subtended by round bract, margins not fused; third (lower) petal small and white.
Habitat: roadsides, waste places
Range in New Jersey: statewide
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Distribution: Commelina communis
Misc. Flowers open for a few hours early in the day, then wilt.

Asian plant, weedy and noxious in some areas. Appears to have 2 petals but in reality there are three; the third is a tiny white structure that looks rather like a beard, beneath the rest of the flower.

Commelina, after Dutch botanists Johan & Caspar Commelin.