Drosera rotundifolia 
roundleaf sundew

Drosera rotundifolia
Drosera rotundifolia
Lee Casebere @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / USDA NRCS. 1995.��Northeast wetland flora: Field office guide to plant species. Northeast National Technical Center, Chester.
USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913.��An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. Vol. 2: 203.
Botanical name: Drosera rotundifolia L.
Common name: roundleaf sundew
Group: dicot
Family: Droseraceae
Growth type: forb/herb
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 8 - 10"
Foliage: leaves round on long stalks, basal rosettes, crimson colored
Flower: white to pinkish, 3/8"-1/2" across; 5 petals
Flowering time: July - August
Habitat: statewide, less common in Cumberland and Salem Counties
Range in New Jersey: wet peaty, acid soils of bogs, cedar swamps
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc. Stone, in 1910, says, "In the Pine Barrens this species seems to be the least abundant of the three Sundews, but it is the characteristic species of the cedar swamps where the others do not seem to occur. Here it grows deep down in the soft wet billowy masses of sphagnum moss, its slender flower stalk rising sometimes to a height of eight or ten inches. In open places it is much more stunted."(468).