The palustrine intermittent
ponds of the coastal plain are dominated by herbaceous vegetation,. Those that
are dominated by shrubs are classified as pine barrens shrub swamps.
Endangered species are often encountered in a number of these
intermittent ponds. (Breden, p. 166) |
Carex striata
var. striata
Walter's sedge A dominant plant of this plant community |
Cladium mariscoides
smooth sawgrass |
Coreopsis rosea
pink tickseed Rarity: S2 |
Dichanthelium dichotomum
cypress panic grass |
Dichanthelium hirstii
Hirst's panic grass Rarity: S1 |
Dulichium arundinacium three way sedge |
#Eleocharis equisetoides
horsetail spike rush Rarity: S1 |
Eleocharis microcarpa
small fruited spike rush |
image available |
Lobelia boykinii
Boykin's lobelia Rarity: S1 |
Gratiola aurea
hedge hyssop |
Lobelia canbyi
Canby's lobelia Rarity: S3 |
Ludwigia linearis
narrowleaf primrose willow Rarity: S2 |
Muhlenbergia torreyana
New Jersey muhly Rarity: S3 |
little floating heart Rarity: S3 |
Panicum verrucosum
warty panic grass |
No image available |
Panicum wrightianum
Wright's panic grass Rarity: S2 |
Paspalum dissectum
mudbank crowngrass Rarity: S2 |
Rhexia aristosa awned meadow beauty Rarity: S1 |
 | Rhexia virginica Virginia meadow beauty |  | Rhynchospora nitens
shortbeak sedge Rarity: S2 |
Sagittaria teres
slender arrowhead Rarity: S1 |
Scleria reticularis
netted nutrush |
Sphagnum macrophyllum
large leaf sphagnum Rarity: S2 |
Xyris smalliana
Small's yelloweyed grass |
Plant listing
based on Breden's A Preliminary Natural Community
Classification for
New Jersey (see Sources, below) and the database.
For more information on rarity, see the NJ Natural Heritage Database
Image Credits
Image credits, unless otherwise
Brecht, Former Associate Director Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River
and Its Tributaries, Inc.
*Robert H. Mohlenbrock@USDA-NRCS Plants Database/USDA SCS. 1989. Midwest wetland flora: Field
office illustrated guide to plant species. Midwest
National Technical Center, Lincoln.
**Jennifer Anderson@USDA-NRCS Plants Database
Line drawings, unless otherwise noted:
PLANTS Database/Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the
northern United States, Canada and the British Possesions.
PLANTS Database/USDA NRCS. Wetland flora:
office illustrated guide to plant species. USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service.
Breden, Thomas F. A Preliminary Natural Community
Classification for
New Jersey.
Reprinted from E.F. Karlin, editor. 1989. New Jersey's Rare and
Endangered Plants and Animals. Institute for Environmental Studies,
Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ. Available
Carol. Salt Marsh
Flowers of
Southern New Jersey. Self-published, 1996.
Witmer. The Plants of Southern New Jersey. Quartermen Publications,
Inc. Boston, Mass. Reprinted 1973 from 1911 The
Plants of Southern New Jersey with Especial Reference to the Flora of
the Pine Barrens and the Geographic Distribution of the Species.
Tiner, Ralph W., Jr. A
Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Northeastern United States.
University of Massachusetts Press. 1987.
NRCS. 2008. The PLANTS Database (, 12 August
2008). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.