Photo courtesy Renee Brecht |
Britton & Brown |
Botanical name: | Lamium amplexicaule |
Common name: | henbit deadnettle |
Group: | dicot |
Family: | Lamiaceae |
Growth type: | forb/herb |
Duration: | annual; biennial |
Origin: | introduced |
Plant height: | spreads indefinitely and mounds; height to 12" |
Foliage: | soft, hairy squared stems. Leaves are opposite, rounded and lobed (crenate) |
Flower: | pink to purple, tubular in shape; 1.5-2 cm long |
Flowering time: | flowers early spring throughout the summer |
Habitat: | waste grounds, lawns, cultivated fields, pastures, roadsides |
Range in New Jersey: | statewide |
Heritage ranking, if any: | n/a |
Distribution: | |
Misc. | This plant is weedy and invasive in some areas. Its nectar and pollen are useful to bees, especially honeybees. A member of the mint family. Look alikes include Lamium purpureum and Veronica persica. |