Monotropa uniflora
Indian pipe

Monotropa uniflora
Monotropa uniflora
Wiki Commons, GNU
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Monotropa uniflora
Common name: Indian pipe
Group: dicot
Family: Monotropaceae
Growth type: forb/herb
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 4 - 10"
Foliage: no apparent leaves at flowering time; does not create chlorophyll and is white; stems scaly and waxy
Flower: single white flower, 5 petals at first nodding, turning upright and dark brown in fruit
Flowering time: summer
Habitat: rich shady woods in humus
Range in New Jersey: statewide
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc. Indian pipe is a saprophyte, but gets its nutrients from soil fungi.