Stone and Gleason and Cronquist Synonomy

This is a Pinelands Preservation Alliance work in progress that we have been given permission to post online in pdf format. Nomenclature from Witmer Stone is matched with the synonomy of Gleason and Cronquist and common names, along with notes and the family of each plant. Page numbers for Stone and G&C are included to facilitate reference. The list is available in two formats, the first in alphabetical order by scientific name (per G&C), and the second with the list sorted phylogenetically (per Gleason & Cronquist).

The preparer of the document, Russell Juelg of Pinelands Preservation Alliance has asked that if you find any mistakes, or have any feedback (especially constructive criticism) please contact us. Russell notes that in preparing his list he was heavily dependent on the list supplied to him by Dr. Gerry Moore of Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. Also, much of the actual work in the database maintained at PPA was accomplished by Lena Jonsson, to whom Russell notes he is also grateful. The other resources that Russell & Lena used was the USDA Plants database online.

Preparer's email: Russell

Full Text

Symbol key for symbol appended to scientific name:

~ = Included in Stone’s list of Characteristic Pine Barrens species (The Plants of Southern New Jersey, With Especial Reference to the Flora of the Pine Barrens and the Geographic Distribution of the Species. N.J. State Museum Annual Report, 1910).

` = Included in Stone’s list of species common to Pine Barrens and Middle District

^ = In neither category, above, but Stone reported records within the Pine Barrens, and the plant is included in Harshberger’s flowering and fruiting chart (The Vegetation of the New Jersey Pine Barrens; 1916).

0 = Included in Stone’s list of Characteristic Middle District species

\ = Included in Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Species in New Jersey; Snyder & Vivian; 1981

||| = Considered a “disturbance indicator” by Pinelands Commission