Utricularia resupinata
reversed bladderwort

Utricularia resupinata
Utricularia resupinata
Photo Courtesy Renee Brecht
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Utricularia resupinata
Common name: reversed bladderwort
Group: dicot
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Growth type: forb/herb
Duration: annual; perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 3/4"-4"
Foliage: leaves alternate, three part; no roots
Tiny bladders originally thought to float the plant actually trap and digest very small invertebrates, opening when trigger hairs are disturbed and suddenly sucking in water and any invertebrates (i.e., they are carnivorous). Digestion takes approxiamately 15 minutes to 2 hours. The "bug soup" is then extracted into the stem, clearing out the bladder's vaccuum and resetting the trigger hairs.

Mary Treat of Vineland, an early female scientist, did much research on Utricularia  and was one of the first scientists to suspect that the bladders were actually traps for tiny creatures rather than air flotation devices.
Flower: pink to purple, 1/4"-1/2" long, facing upward
Flowering time: July to August
Habitat: very shallow water or wet mud
Range in New Jersey: local in the southern part of the Pine Barrens
Heritage ranking, if any: S1, E, LP, HL
Misc. Utriculara, Latin,  "raft floated on bladders", resupinata, Latin, "bent back, reclined"
Preys on fairy shrimp, water fleas, copepods, scuds, paramecia, nematodes, and microscopic insect larvae.
Insect pollinated.