[email protected]
snail mail —
98 B Clinic Ave, Box 1850, Hayfork, CA 96041
Kim Stokeley is program director for the National Adopt-a-Watershed Program which has a huge curriculum on watersheds. Offers professional development and training opportunities.

American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)
The AASLH works closely with the history and preservation communities. Resources include publications on restoration, genealogy, oral histories, local history for schools, etc.

AWRA—American Water Resources Association
A national association of water utility companies. Focuses on educational materials that address water quality and consumption. Has teaching materials; check out their "blue thumb" program.

Birding on the Web
Chesapeake Bay (Viriginia) Research Reserve
Watershed oriented site.
A guide for Cape May, Wildwood, Avalon, and Stone Harbor New Jersey – restaurants, B&B's, tours, events and much more.

Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River and its Tributaries, Inc.
Founded in 1979, Citizens United is a volunteer, non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation and protection of the Maurice River watershed for the enjoyment of this and future generations.

Coastal America
National Marine Fisheries Service.

Coastlines Newsletter
Coastlines is a publication of the Urban Harbors Institute at the University of Massachusetts. It is prepared in cooperation with the US Environmental Protection Agency. It is considered the National Estuary Program newsletter. Material may be reproduced if credit is given.

Corps of Engineers —Wetlands Information–Philadelphia District
Nation’s engineers. Technical information on specific projects throughout the entire country including Delaware Bay.
Cumberland County has a tremendous historical reference on their website. It includes the County Register of Historic Places, Historical Sites Register, people of the century, a digital history of Vineland, indigenous people and so much more! The remainder of the site has lots to offer regarding present day Cumberland County so check it out.

Delaware Bay Estuary
Vineland school teacher Robert Owens describes his Delaware Estuary website as; "Each year, my fourth grade class and I study the Delaware estuary. We learn what an estuary is, what it consists of, what functions it serves, how we affect it and, who else has studied and used the area.

Through our work, we have created this online unit in conjunction with the Franklin Institute and Unisys. You will find interesting data about the Delaware Estuary, entertaining games and puzzles associated with the material, and lessons to complete alone or with a class."

Delaware Estuary Program
The Delaware Estuary Program... resources of the Delaware Estuary. The Delaware Estuary Program got its start at the inclusion of the Delaware Estuary in the National Estuary Program in 1988. Since then a concerned group of citizens has worked diligently to develop a Comprehensive Plan to protect and enhance the natural resources of the Delaware Estuary. Includes a link to the RIMS (Regional Information Management Service).

Delaware River Basin Commission
Representing the four basin states (Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York and New Jersey), commission programs include water quality protection, water supply allocation, regulatory review, water conservation initiatives, regional planning, drought management, flood control and recreation.

Discovery Channel On-line
Broad scope of science topics. Archive of various episodes.

EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc./ Watershed Modeling.
e-mail: [email protected]

Folklife in New Jersey
Traditional culture and folklife in the Garden State.

GCRIO User Services (Global Change Research Information Office)
[email protected]
Information regarding international environment climatic changes and global green house effect.

Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
A non-profit organization for river protection. International program for students to share their knowledge and discoveries about their local rivers. Grants available, student exchange, e-mail pals, huge network, lots of stuff...

Haskin Shellfish Lab
Rutger University’s marine facility dedicated to the study of shellfish, with special emphasis on oyster recovery.

The Hummingbird Page

Hydrosphere Data Products for the Environment
This is actually a sales site. The products may prove useful for those conducting scientific studies of stream flows,water quality, climate change, watershed statistics and the like. These products include the compilation of numerous data banks containing raw data and values reported by government agencies. Most of their products are available on CD-ROM.

The Institute for Water Resources (IWR)
Watershed oriented site.

Know Your Watershed
e-mail: [email protected]

Nonprofit organization which focuses on watershed education. Materials available for lesson on broad topics like water cycle, non point source pollution, drainage basins, etc.

Long-term Ecosystem Observatory at 15 meters (LEO-15)
These are two unmanned underwater observatories with real time coastal data available via this internet site. Live video is broadcast from the depth of the ocean 9 kilometers off the coast of NJ near Tuckerton in Ocean County. The web site also has lesson plans and activities related to oceanographic research; really unique. Watershed-oriented site.

Monarch Watch
This site is dedicated to education, conservation and research on monarch butterflies. The site is developed by the University of Kansas, Department of Entomology and University of Minnesota, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior. It covers the monarch’s life cycle and migration. There are lots of class projects, butterfly gardening, links to other sites and more. Neat stuff for all ages. Curricula developed by Monarch Watch is for grade levels k–2, 3–6 and 6–8.

Microsoft Global Schoolhouse Endangered Species Page

National Extension Water Quality Database
Watershed oriented site.

National Geographic Society

National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA)
NPCA’s mission is to protect and improve the quality of our National Park System and to promote an understanding, appreciation and sense of personal commitment to parklands.

National Park Service (NPS)
Includes links to natural and cultural resources and programs such as Historic American Buildings Survey, National Historic Landmark Program, National Natural Landmark Program, National Register of Historic Places, etc.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
The Trust’s site includes information on preservation resources, land use and controlling sprawl, advice for owners of historic houses and a special section for children.

The Natural Heritage Network
Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers represent the largest ongoing effort in the western hemisphere to gather standardized data on endangered plants, animals and ecosystems. Site and work coordinated by The Nature Conservancy. All materials for The Natural Heritage Network are available on the Association for Biodiversity Information website.

NATURE - PBS series

The PBS series NATURE has educational kit that accompany some of their television shows. These are created by WNET's Educational Department and PDF are downloaded directly from this site.

Nautical Software
This software allows you to predict tidal cycles and currents all over the United States. The disc for the East Region will forecast the tides on any given day and hour for numerous Delaware Bay and tributary sites — for the next 200 years! Ideal for anyone doing boating, class trips, water studies, bird watching, wetland observations, construction, erecting osprey platforms, etc. It will chart a day or month of an incredible number of locations, or you can create your own. Captn. Jack’s Software Source sells Nautical Software at discounted prices: 800-946-2877. This is not intended as an advertisement; it’s just that this information is invaluable and made incredibly simple.

New Jersey Audubon
Great list of things to do with NJ Audubon. A weekly column by Pete Dunne, and more.

New Jersey Birding and Wildlife Trails
New Jersey boasts the highest density of wildlife per square mile of any state in the nation and the New Jersey Birding & Wildlife Trails (BWT) Guides are designed to assure the discovery of the best sites for birding and wildlife-watching for even the most casual wildlife enthusiast. Through urban oases like the Hackensack Meadowlands and Liberty State Park to rural gems like the Delaware Bayshore and Skylands, each guide is a collection of 2-3 day local driving loops. Use this comprehensive website to chart your next outdoors jaunt ñ follow an established BWT Trails loop or design your own using the interactive mapping feature.

New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route
The Coastal Heritage Trail was established in 1988 to provide for public appreciation, education, understanding and enjoyment of significant natural and cultural sites associated with the coastal area of New Jersey from Perth Amboy south to Cape May and then north along the Bayshore to Deepwater. Five themes define different aspects of coastal life: maritime history, coastal habitats, wildlife migration, historic settlements, and relaxation and inspiration.

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
Includes links to environmental compliance and enforcement divisions as well as to natural and historic resource programs such as Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife, Green Acres, New Jersey Historic Trust, etc.

New Jersey Division of Fish Game and Wildlife, NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Homepage of the New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife. Contains up-to-date news releases and archives, as well as information about wildlife management programs and the the scope of work for the endangered species program. Lists of New Jersey’s harvested wildlife, and nongame wildlife including statuses. Order forms for Wildlife Viewing Guides.

New Jersey Historical Commission
Has a lesson plan dedicated to the NJ Underground Railroad. Site has large scope of NJ history topics.

New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium
The New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium offers a wide variety of water-oriented courses and activities for teachers, students and the general public. School programs introduce students to various elements of the marine environment and its creatures, while helping them to accept stewardship for these valuable resources.

New Jersey Natural Heritage Program
The New Jersey Natural Heritage Program keeps data on endangered plant and animal communities in NJ. It is part of the Natural Heritage Network and a member of the Association for Biodiversity Information.

New Jersey Pinelands Commission
The Pinelands is our country’s first National Reserve and a U.S. Biosphere Reserve of the Man and Biosphere Program. This internationally important ecological region is 1.1 million acres in size and occupies 22% of New Jersey’s land area. It is the largest body of open space on the Mid-Atlantic seaboard between Richmond and Boston and is underlain by aquifers containing 17 trillion gallons of high quality water. In 1979, New Jersey formed a partnership with the federal government to preserve, protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources of this special place. Today, the Comprehensive Management Plan protects the region in an effort to maintain its unique ecological character while allowing compatible development. Includes some youth activities.

New Jersey Office of Travel and Tourism
The official state source of travel and tourism information including special events, transportation, dining, lodging and travel guides. The state is divided into six regions. The Delsea Region is included in the Delaware River Region and the Southern Shore Region.

North East Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), Woodshole
Fish facts area worth exploring. One hundred of the most frequently asked questions about fish. Has links to numerous major fish web sites. Contains history of Woodshole. All under the umbrella of the US-National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Studying fish? Why not give the students the 100 most frequently asked questions, then compare their answers against the Woodshole scientists’ answers?

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
Nation’s coastal agency involved in research of the world’s oceans both physical and biological. Administrators of the National Estuary Research and Reserve Systems — NERR. Enormous scope.

NOAA-Year of the Ocean
Covers broad scope of ocean topics and issues.
A user-friendly site for NOAA.

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
The center provides information on bird populations, migrations and identification.

Peregrine Fund
Organization for recovery and protection of peregrine falcons.

Peterson Online
A commercial web page about bird watching, bird watcher’s digest, and Roger Tory Peterson.

River Network
e-mail: [email protected]

If you're planning a river adventure these two web sites are great. They can help with river flow and tidal water levels.

Salem County Historical Society
Site of Salem Co. Historical Society. The Society specializes in local history and genealogical records. Educators are encouraged to bring their classes on a field trip of the Log Cabin Education Center and tour the Museum. The Legacy Room opens July 1, 2003 and showcases the finest pieces from the museum. In November 2003, the exhibit "World War Two: The Homefront" will premier.

Sea Grants Contacts
All Sea Grant University sites in the country are linked to this location. This is the marine studies national network.

Seaworld/Education Series - Animal Information Database
Marine mammal research and sea exploration.

Sierra Club
Conservation organization established for protection of forests. Today their scope is expansive.

Taking the Train to Freedom, Underground Railroad: A Special Resource Study by National Park Service

The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy fills a unique niche preserving habitats and species by buying the lands and waters needed for survival. This site explores important TNC holdings all over the globe including New Jersey.

Terrene Institute
Produces informational materials, newletters, etc. on wetlands. Kid outreach and education is their focus. May is wetlands month. Snail mail — 1717 K Street, NW, Suite 801, Washington, DC 20006. Phone: 202-296-8317. Fax: 202-296-4071.

Tuckerton Seaport - A Project of the Barnegat Bay Decoy and Baymen’s Museum
Baymen’s Museum focuses on Barnegat Bay lifestyle of those who made livelihood from bay resources. Many activities adaptable for Delaware Bay lifestyles. Interesting information about decoys.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds and NEP List Serve:
Includes information on wetlands, watersheds, the National Estuary Program, American Heritage Rivers, etc. Contains links to all estuary programs.

US Geological Survey Home Page

Water Resources Information


Data Available from EROS Data Center
Nation’s earth science and mapping experts. Federal information on US water resources.

University of Delaware Sea Grant Program
University of Delaware’s marine studies program. The premiere researchers of the Delaware Estuary. Lots of super information for educators and researchers for all levels of understanding.

University of Delaware Sea Grant College Program
The web site presents a wealth of information about the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, delving into such topics as it history and biology, its connection to the annual spring migration of shorebirds, as well as fisheries management issues.

University of Minnesota Raptor Center
This site has migration data on osprey that are equipped with transmitters. It tracks the osprey through the Caribbean to South American destinations like Brazil and Venezuela. For the past few years, the Center has tracked 4 birds from New Jersey. There is extensive data on Minnesota osprey. The Center is an international medical facility for birds of prey.

United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
United States agency for the protection of flora and fauna.

United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Endangered Species Homepage

Water Environment Federation
The Water Environment Federation works to educate the public on important water quality issues.

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) —Watershed Management Tools
An assemblage of watershed tools ranging from data collection and economic analysis to training and outreach/education.

Wild & Scenic Maurice River — Leslie H. Ficcaglia
This location includes a web tour of the Maurice River and its tributaries. The site also has a history of the National Park Service/US Congress designation of these rivers as Wild and Scenic Rivers. It includes a page of children’s essays about the estuary, discussions of threatened and endangered species, and links to Haskin Shellfish Lab, NJ Audubon, NJ Pinelands and Nature Study in Cumberland County.

Wild Bird Centers of America
A commercial organization selling birding and organic gardening supplies.

World Wildlife Fund
International conservation organization focusing on diminishing species and conservation issues.