
Plants of Southern New Jersey

Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River & Its Tributaries
Photos by Renee Brecht    Plants of Southern NJ: Home Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River 

Wetland Plants of Southern New Jersey

1. Plants of Coastal Plain Intermittent Ponds
  • White Water Lily
  • Pink tickseed
  • Xryis, etc.
Typhus 2. Plants of Salt and Brackish Marshes
  • Spartina
  • Narrow-leaved cattail
  • Glasswort
  • Marsh mallow, etc.
Tidal fresh marsh 3. Plants of Tidal Fresh Marshes
  • Wild rice
  • Arrow arum
  • Parker's pipewort
  • Pickerelweed, etc.
Ilex opaca, USDA plants database 4. Plants of Maritime Forests
  • Bayberry
  • American holly
  • Red cedar
  • Marsh elder, etc
5. Plants of Pine Barren Savannas
  • Goldencrest
  • Smooth sawgrass
  • Beaksedges, etc.
6. Plants of Coastal Plain Atlantic White Cedar Swamps
  • Atlantic white cedar
  • Magnolia
  • Sweet pepper bush
  • High bush blueberry, etc.

A NOTE OF CAUTION: POISON IVY AND TICKS. The thickets, marsh areas, etc., in these areas are often full of poison ivy and ticks. Please use tick repellant and dress accordingly.


Newcomb-Jones, Carol. Salt Marsh Flowers of Southern New Jersey. Self-published, 1996.

Stone, Witmer. The Plants of Southern New Jersey. Quartermen Publications, Inc. Boston, Mass. Reprinted 1973 from 1911 The Plants of Southern New Jersey with Especial Reference to the Flora of the Pine Barrens and the Geographic Distribution of the Species. 

Tiner, Ralph W., Jr. A Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Northeastern United States. University of Massachusetts Press. 1987.

USDA, NRCS. 2008. The PLANTS Database (http://plants.usda.gov, 12 August 2008). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.

Copyright 2008 Citizens United to Protect the Maurice River & its Tributaries.  All rights reserved. Send comments, suggestions, and error reports to NJBotany