CU Reporter October-November 1997

Membership Meeting, November 12, 1997 at 7:30 p.m.
Wheaton Village – Crafts Building

CITIZENS UNITED TO PROTECT THE MAURICE RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES, INC. RECEIVES WATERSHED GRANT FROM NJ DEP TO CREATE TEACHER’S GUIDE “DOWN JERSEY” FILM. Citizens United and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection just finalized an agreement in which Citizens United receives $16,000+ to make a curriculum that hinges around elements of the “Down Jersey ” film. Educational consultant Christine Raabe has been selected to compile lesson plans from select South Jersey teachers, reference NJ state curriculum standards that are met by each plan, make a list of reference materials for teachers to use and run workshops on how to utilize the guide. The National Park Service NJ Coastal Heritage Trail Route is a key advisor and participants in the project. Many members of CU that are teachers are also participating in the creation of this guide. This project will cost in excess of $20,000 and will be distributed by NPS, CU and the Bayshore Discovery Project.

“DOWN JERSEY” DISTRIBUTION. Over 200 tapes of “Down Jersey” have been freely distributed to members, schools, libraries, civic groups, teachers, and others. Members who have donated $50 or more have received a complimentary copy.

WEB SITES OF INTEREST. Leslie Ficcaglia of Maurice River Township has created a WEB site of great interest to CU members. It has been up and running for some time you may have read about it in the newspaper. The site gives a tour of the Maurice River and its Tributaries, it is very well done. Additionally 4 other sites can be accessed directly from her first WEB page (they are starred below) so you won’t have to type in all those pesky addresses you can just check them out and copy addresses into favorite places if you wish to return to them.


Leslie Ficcaglia-

Haskin Shellfish Lab –

New Jersey Audubon –
Great list of things to do with NJ Audubon. A weekly column by Pete Dunne, and more.

New Jersey Pinelands –

Nature Study in Cumberland County –
This page was developed by naturalist Bob Barber. It contains lists of flora and fauna in Cumberland Co. It characterizes nature study in Cumberland County including horseshoe crab and shorebird phenomenon.

University of Minnesota Raptor Center.
This site is migration data on osprey that are equipped with transmitters (CU helped in the banding process of the Maurice River osprey. The four ospreys that were tagged in NJ are: Stone Harbor #82 & 83 at the end of September they are vacationing just NW of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Salem #84 as of 9/18 was south of Cojedes, Venezuela. The Maurice River osprey from the Novakowski nest #85 did not show up on the last printout, this maybe indicative of a bad transmitter – we will keep you posted. We expect this information to be available at this web site soon. In any event the migration data from last year on Minnesota birds is very interesting.

If you have a favorite WEB site that you think maybe of interest to CU members let us know – CU, PO Box 474, Millville, NJ 08332