Support CU Maurice River

2024 Holiday Match

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We welcome new members to CU Maurice River’s ranks. We have been in existence since 1979 and have a diverse membership, all of whom share a love of the out-of-doors. One of our key components is volunteerism; CU people devote over 10,000 hours to programs, events, and projects. We participate in many local, state, and national cooperative conservation programs and serve on a number of government advisory and policy-making boards. Not only are we involved in advocacy, but we also like to have fun hiking, birdwatching, gardening, and going on kayak outings, to festivals, and on a variety of field trips. Our functions are aimed at fostering responsible stewardship through education, awareness, and providing tools for informed decision-making.

Automated Monthly Giving

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Gift Membership

Gift membership – Give a gift membership to an individual or family that you think would enjoy the many things CU Maurice River does to create an awareness about Down Jersey’s special attributes.